Who we Are

Thursday, May 19

Dear BestFriend:

I am sitting in my office under the glow of an office lamp. It's incredibly therapeutic. All I need now is a fish aquarium and a bubble fountain. You know, the ones in every doctors office. On second thought, it kind of puts me on edge. I still can't believe I love my job as much as I do. It can be tiring and definitely has it's moments, but for the most part, I love talking with my patients. Building relationships and truly caring about their success. One of my patients told me today that I am super sweet and that he is sorry for being a total grump. That was nice to hear because for so long I felt that I wasn't getting through to him. Now I know that he is listening :).

I talked to a friend last night and I realize how blessed I am to have friend's that care and that give more than they take. One of my friends has such a beautiful heart. Lately my past junk has been creeping up and really putting a damper on things. So Jenny calls me and states that she has been noticing I'm in a funk and we spent the next 2.5 hours talking about the power of Christ in my life and how there is healing. I just kept thanking God that He has brought friend's like Jenny into my life who not only notice when I'm in pain but calls and talks me through it. I know that God wants to heal me in order to launch me into my calling. He has clearly told me that I have to face my past before He will send me out. He has also said that my calling is huge. My calling is unique and it is urgent. It explains why I have felt like a train called my past seems to be running over me. No longer can I run from it. I have also had 2 different friend's, unbeknown to each other, prophesy Joel 2 over me where it says "I will restore the years the locusts have eaten." Furthermore, God keeps giving me this vision of a tree. I know he's telling me something and that something is healing. Exciting times lay ahead BestFriend. I am interested to know what your spiritual gifts are and do you see visions. I know bein identical twins and personality types aren't everything but it may mean something.

Lastly, have you seen the new season 4 True blood promo? Exciting. I will try and post a link later today.

I love you dearly BestFriend. Over & Out.

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