Dear betterhalf:
today I came to work only to find out that I don't have any morning classes. how awesome is that. such a big blessing to have the break. I don't teach until 2pm now. lol. five hours and I don't know what to do with myself.
I think Virginia sounds amazing. I wish I could see it with you. We could take a walk (like 5ft. lol) and lay in the grass next to a tree. listen to the wind and stare at the clouds in the sky. Talk about life and God. Then fall asleep to the sound of the crickets. Wake up to the sunset and run around trying to catch fireflies. Could you imagine growing up like that. Levi jeans and a guitar. Maybe that's what heaven feels like.
whas this a church retreat?
My church is having a retreat but I don't know if I will go. I get a very unnerving feeling when I'm around the pastor and his wife. My intuition is never wrong so I don't know how to feel about this. so I just leave it up to the higher power. If I'm meant to go I will do so.
so this weekend was really great.
Friday-went and saw a movie for teacher's movie club at my work. lol. not really that fancy I promise. The school just pays for it's teachers to watch a movie. lol. it was nice. after I went home to nap. I actually slept through the first yoga class. woke up and realized I slept too long. which put me in panic but something cool happened in that I went to yoga at 9:15 and it was hot yoga and much nicer.
Saturday: I woke up SO tired but excited for the day. Met with Amy. nuff said.
Sunday: went to church. it was okay. then ate lunch with my coworker and went to the park to read a book and talk. well we mostly talked. It was amazing actually. I got so deep with her. She seems like an ISFJ which is really cool. It was nice to find she is really deep and to talk about everything like work, family, love. She told me that she is the adult child of an alcoholic and what she told me was fascinating. I've never met someone like that and I realize how much damage and brokenness there is. I told her about mom and she was so empathetic. she couldn't believe I went through such terrible things. she told me that healing will begin here because your away from it and not financially dependent on them which allows you the freedom you need to heal. also, That I have to prepare for the day I confront her about everything in our past because it actually did happen though she denies it. Her, pretending things never happened, actually gives her power over me but the minute I let the secrets out she loses the power and control. wow was this amazing information. I never thought about it that way.We both went through such hard pasts and are still breathing. I like that I could connect with her in the sun, on a blanket, for two hours.
We're both learning korean. I'll be starting a course soon. so its fun to speak korean to each other too.
another blessing I guess
to the moon and back...
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