Who we Are

Sunday, May 1

our first

so this is our first post on our new blog. I guess I should start with some kind of basic layout. I think I'll do that in the next post...

I promise this will be the longest note I write. (uhm... maybe not)

Basically this is the best idea I've ever come up with.
It's okay if you think it sucks!
Let's keep up with it everyday. no excuses on missing a post. lol
We can't talk everyday so this may fix this problem.
I can't remember everything that happens in my week so this will help.

That way, when you get a good idea or something catches your eye or comes to mind you've got someone to share it with. someone who actually gets it most of the time. lol. plus, I of course want to know what the 411 is! What everybody is talking about!

called this "learnin(g) to breath" It's not just an amazing song by the best band every! but one with a great message. plus its poetic. perfect for us.

here's a picture for the record books...
too bad I couldn't find a picture of daddy!...

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